Printable can you find the difference
There are six differences between the trick or treat bucket, and for each one the children should write an explanatory sentence. Can the kids spot the six differences between the pictures of our Halloween witch? For each one they should write a short sentence describing what the difference is.
I hope you enjoy this Hanukkah puzzle. Can you find all the differences? I think there are Have a look at the solution page if you get stuck. There are 7 lovely doodle hearts on this puzzle sheet.
Can you match the 3 pairs and find the odd one out? This puzzle sheet would double as a lovely colouring page. Match the 3 pairs and find the odd heart out. The third of our hearts "odd one out" puzzles is definitely the trickiest. This one has 15 beautiful hearts on it. Look closely and you will find 7 pairs and one odd one out. This puzzle requires very close observation. Can your children find 10 differences between the two ice cream sundaes?
There are 6 delicious looking ice cream cones on this puzzle. One is slightly different to the other five. Can your children use their powers of observation to work out which it is? Which of these 6 yummy looking ice cream sundaes is different from the others? You'll have to look very closely to find the odd one out. Here's a fun puzzle for Kwanzaa! Can the children find the 10 differences between the two pictures? There is a solution page if you get stuck Can you find the differences between these two pictures of Tripp's garage, his monster truck and Creech?
The animals went in two by two - and they certainly packed into this Noah's ark! Can the kids find the differences between the two pictures, top and bottom? We have two versions of this fun matching puzzle, with which children can practice their mystery-solving skills!
Your activity sheets keep the children engaged, entertained, and they are also educational. Thank you so much. I am an English Language Instructor at university and I am so thrilled to see your professional printable.
I will be using these for speaking activities where students will need to communicate and describe the pictures in order to find the differences. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Log in to renew or change an existing membership. First Name. Last Name. Password Again. Discount Code - Valid - Invalid Apply. Difference may be color, design, background.
This printable will help you to enhance your kid talent. Find the Difference - A Good Mental Exercise Finding differences between two identical images has remained a very interesting mental ability test exercise from ever.
These printable can be provided to kids for testing their mental ability test. Beautiful scenery and imaginative pictures used for this purpose. Top Contributors Today Last 7 Days.